Sunday, September 14, 2014


                     The pig started it!

This is Petunia.  She is our KuneKune pig.  She loves to eat, especially squash.  Little did I know that she would have a greener thumb than myself.  To tell you the truth, I am a lousy gardener.

Butternut squash seeds ended up in our compost pile under the
towering shade trees that line our road.  I didn't know that squash
plants thrive in the shade.

Here is a fraction of our harvest of squash.  As you can see, Petunia also dined on spaghetti and acorn squash.

We weeded around most of the squash plants.  If you look closely, you can see that there is little left of the squash plants.  However, the weeds are thriving, left untouched by the bugs.  I read that one should leave weeds in the garden, so that the bugs will also munch on the weeds.  I don't know where they got this information!!!  These bugs only devoured the squash plants, but luckily not the squash.

Here is a closer look of the squash leaf!!

Garth, the cat, enjoyed helping with the harvest.

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