Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Honey Taffy


 I was wanting to make a delicious candy that was yummy with out the corn starch and all the "bad stuff". Finally, I found out that I could make honey taffy. It tastes similar to the tooth breaking, almost always in your kids Halloween basket candy, only healthier! So for the recipe:

    Chocolate Mint Taffy:
1/2 cup honey
1/8 tsp peppermint flavoring
                                                                   1/8 cup gluten free chocolate chips

        1.Mix the honey and peppermint flavoring in a pot and start to boil until it reaches around 290 degrees Fahrenheit. 
       2. Pour the boiling mixture in a pan to cool off. *Be very careful as the honey peppermint mixture will be hot*
       3.Immediately after step 2, mix in the gluten free chocolate chips
      4. After the mixture cools off (about 10 minutes) oil your hands with olive oil (to prevent sticking) and start stretching the taffy until it gets a few shades lighter. 
      5. Twist the taffy into a desired shape and cut the candy into bite-sized pieces, with clean scissors.
      6. Wrap the individual pieces into wax paper and store the yummy candies in the fridge! 

      You can also leave out the  chocolate chips if you want mint honey taffy. 


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