Thursday, October 16, 2014

Farm Moments

               Farm moments:
Look at Dill's smile! He loves belly rubs!

In the far left corner there is a chicken looking at the squash that Blue Bonnet is eating.

Apparently she didn't want to fight! (Please excuse the chickens, they are molting!)

Little Pudding, the fainting goat looks on, and dreams of more sweet fed and oat in her future! She has such a pitiful look!

Texas went over a small episode of colic, but he is now fine and loves the feel of fall when out grazing.

I still have a few more flowers to plant, aren't they pretty?!


If your were wanting to know how the calf is doing, he is thriving VERY well and is beefing up!

On a last note, this ram went to the butcher because he was becoming aggressive and slightly dangerous. His yield was 48lbs.

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