Sunday, December 14, 2014

Long Farm update


                Ok! You caught me, I haven't written a post in almost a month!!

  I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Mine was wonderful with the family and with food!

             We had apple pie with a crumbled brown sugar crust, among other wonderful fares. 


         On another day I tried out a vegetable spaghetti maker called the veggetti which was bought at CVS, but I saw it at Walmart and it looks like you could buy it at: 
I used it to turn zucchini into spaghetti strands and whipped up one of their recipes with Parmesan Alfredo sauce. Just as long as there is enough cheese in my zucchini spaghetti, it tastes amazing.
Yummy alfredo sauce with zucchini noodles.

The spaghetti maker in work.

On another note Marshmallow, one of the adult ewes, had a baby ram last week. His name is very traditional, Spotty.  

Those bug eyes are so adorable!!

          I started making short goat leads in a variety of colors. I am thinking about selling them, but am not quite sure yet. 
Blue and black lead on Milkshake.

Newbie, modeling oh so wonderfully in this shot (and staying still long enough!)

         I will post a recipe of hot apple cider soon, so keep posted!


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Thin Mint Copycats- Paleo!

        Yes! Chocolate mint cookies that are healthy and paleo!! I have made my homemade recipe twice in one week and still can't get enough of these cookies. Since I live gluten free, there are no more Girl Scout Thin Mints-(filled with hfcs, caramel color, artificial flavors, and..wheat)- for me!
  If you do not know what the paleo diet is, here is a good link- The paleo diet.

          Paleo Thin Mint Copy Cat Recipe 
             Cookie Ingredients:
                 3 cups almond flour
                 1/4 cup coconut flour
                 1/4 + 1/8 cup cocoa powder
                 1/2 cup honey
                 1 egg
                 1/3 tsp baking soda
                 1 1/2 tsp peppermint extract

                     1/3 cup honey
                     6 oz unsweetened chocolate
                     2 tsp peppermint extract
                     1 tbs coconut oil

           1. Mix all the cookie ingredients together.
           2. freeze the dough for an hour, so you can form it later.
           3.Use a  flour dusted cup to cut out the cookies.
           4. Cook them on a greased pan in the oven for 10-15 minutes at 350F or until done ( It depends on the size of the cookie)
           5. Place the cookie in the freezer until the coating is finished.
           6. Mix all the coating ingredient together on the stove. (Melt on low so the coating deos not harden.
           7.Coat the cookies and freeze until ready to eat!

      Note: Keep them in the freezer so that the coating does not melt.  Yields 50 small cookies.


Sunday, November 2, 2014

Fall is here!!

              Fall is such a beautiful season! I love it when colors change on the leaves and the nights become cooler (not cold!). Here are some pictures of the farm with hues of yellow and orange colors. ~Enjoy

Crust-less Butternut Pie Recipe

            If you remember the squash post from a month or two ago, then you will remember that I harvested lots of squash. So I have baked squash, used it in ice cream (Yes, it actually tasted amazing!) and crust-less pie. I am sharing with you my crust-less pie recipe today! I am guessing that you could substitute the butternut squash with acorn squash or canned pumpkin as well.

Crust-less Butternut Pie:
     2 cups butternut squash
     1/2 cup honey
     3 eggs
     1 tsp cinnamon
     1/2 tsp ground cloves
     1/8 tsp cardamom
     1/8 tsp ground nutmeg
     1/8 tsp allspice

          1.   Blend all the ingredients together.
          2. Cook the "pie" in nine inch pie pan at 350F for 30 minutes or 400F for 20 minutes.


I Finally Caught It!!!! (On camera) & Update!

            I know I have not blogged in two weeks! I love looking at other peoples blogs, and  how they can blog almost every day! I am just blogging here and there, but hope to start (almost) daily blogging. So bear with me as I try to make this a semi-regular blog!

     Now, to the title! I finally was able to whip out my camera and take some pictures of this (cute) kitty that hangs around to barnyard area. The cat is very skittish, but is brave enough to come visit the Odyssey, who lives in the garage.
           The kitties are saying hi to each other!

Look at that cute face! I love long haired cats!

There is the cat again, with the corral panels obstructing the view.

  I have LOTS of recipes and stories that were meant to be on the blog an long time ago, but I will try to be in a posting frenzy and write more posts!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Farm Moments

               Farm moments:
Look at Dill's smile! He loves belly rubs!

In the far left corner there is a chicken looking at the squash that Blue Bonnet is eating.

Apparently she didn't want to fight! (Please excuse the chickens, they are molting!)

Little Pudding, the fainting goat looks on, and dreams of more sweet fed and oat in her future! She has such a pitiful look!

Texas went over a small episode of colic, but he is now fine and loves the feel of fall when out grazing.

I still have a few more flowers to plant, aren't they pretty?!


If your were wanting to know how the calf is doing, he is thriving VERY well and is beefing up!

On a last note, this ram went to the butcher because he was becoming aggressive and slightly dangerous. His yield was 48lbs.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Simple Iced Frappe Recipe

         This recipe is great! I know, you are thinking, ICE! Really?? At least here, we have some warm days before winter kicks in, so enjoy the warmth while it lasts!


A delicious iced drink

 Iced Frappe 

          Coffee: 1/3 cup coconut milk
                       5 oz brewed, unsweetened coffee
                       1 tbs honey
                       1/4 tsp vanilla extract
                       3 regular sized ice cubes
         Whipped topping:
                      4 oz  heavy whipping cream
                     1 tbs honey
         "Caramel sauce":
                       2 tbs refrigerated honey

 1.Place the honey and vanilla extract in a cup and stir well.
2. Add the warm coffee and coconut milk to the cup, then move it to a freezer to cool(but not freeze!)
3. Whip up the topping until a good consistency.
4.Blend up the cooled coffee with ice, top off with whipped topping and honey "caramel", and you are done! Enjoy!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Five Ingredient Cinnamon Roll Recipe

Yes! You heard it right, FIVE ingredients, and yummy!

The cinnamon rolls are great for breakfast!


    This recipe is great to make with family and friends. Mixing, measuring, rolling and baking the dough to look like a cinnamon roll, is a great accomplishment when trying to make pastries from scratch. Give yourself a pat on the back after making this recipe (and don't tell others that it was so easy to make!).

The cinnamon rolls before they go into the oven
           Cooked cinnamon rolls
                             Cinnamon Roll Recipe
               The dough:
                                  2 cups almond flour
                                  1/8 cup coconut flour
                                  1/4 cup tapioca flour
                                  1 egg
                                  1 tsp finely ground cinnamon
                                  1/4 cup honey

                        the filling:
                                   3/4 tsp cinnamon
                                   1/4 cup slightly cold honey 
                         glaze: The same recipe as the filling.

1. Mix all the dough mixture together.
2.Put the dough in the freezer for 20-40 minutes
3.While the cinnamon dough is freezing, mix together the filling in a bowl.
4.Take the dough out of the freezer and roll the dough into a "snake" and lightly flatten on a floured surface.
5.Pour the filling on the lightly flattened surface.
6. Roll up the cinnamon roll and place in in a greased pan at 350 Fahrenheit for 23 minutes or until fully cooked.
7. Add the glaze to the top of the rolls
8. Enjoy! These cinnamon rolls taste best straight out of the oven or warmed up!


Saturday, September 27, 2014

Happy (Late) First Day of Fall

   Well, its better late then never, right?

Daffodil says that it smells like fall!

Here is Lilac the cat stealing the spot light.....
She likes the breeze blowing in her face.

       The weather has become cooler, and the leaves are changing colors. Enjoy fall while it is here and don't even think about those super cold winter days ahead!

Friday, September 19, 2014

My "Garden"

                                 I am not posting many words today, as I am going to express most of them in pictures of recently planted flowers. 


Thursday, September 18, 2014

Step by step: How to make a vintage pebble stone entryway


    I looked at the steps leading to the front porch, and thought that they needed an extra something, so I "decorated" the stairs by making an entryway for it. Anyhow, if you want the instructions here they are:

Step 1:
Clear out grass, weeds, and dig an indent in the soil, the size you want for your entryway. 

    Step 2:
Cut a 1/4 inch rubber mat the size of your entry way. Notice how I put the rubber mat all the way to the ledge.
Step 3:
I placed the bricks on the two sides of the mats. Because this entry way is on a slope I placed the bricks on the right in two layers. I also cut up feed bags to put between the mat and bricks, possibly to inhibit the growth of weeds.

Step 4: (Almost done!)
Fill the mat with pebbles and check to make sure that the rubber is not visible. It took five and a half 25 pound bags. Don't under estimate the amount of rocks!

Step 5:
Add flowers to the holes in the bricks! I added violas,be creative, but use small flowers!

I also placed a Russian Sage plant on both sides! It is so beautiful!

Step 6: You are finished!
I hoped you enjoyed this post and if you want more how to posts, please comment!


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